Zichichi, “Measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon,” Physical Review Letters 6 (1961) 128. Zichichi., “A proposal to search for leptonic quarks and heavy leptons produced by ADONE,” INFN/AE-67/3, 20 March 1967. Perl et al., “Evidence for Anomalous Lepton Production in e +-e - Annihilation,” Physical Review Letters, 35 (1975) 1489. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. These original contributions started in 1960 at CERN with the construction of the first large solid-angle detector able to simultaneously detect electrons and muons with high rejection power against pions, thus allowing, already in 1964, to establish the validity of the (ℯ ± μ ∓) method as the best one to detect Heavy Lepton pair production. These contributions include: i) the idea of a new lepton in the GeV mass range, carrying its own leptonic number ii) the search for the best production process: ℯ +ℯ -→ HL + HL - iii) the invention of the acoplanar (ℯ ± μ ∓) method with the associated technology and the proof that it works iv) the implementation of the large solid-angle detector needed to establish the first upper limit on the HL mass at Frascati v) the promotion of the HL searches at energies higher than ADONE. More information about Pre-School and other local childcare providers can be found on the top bar.The original contributions of the Bologna-CERN-Frascati (BCF) group to the discovery - via the acoplanar (ℯ ± μ ∓) method - of the Heavy Lepton ( HL, now called τ) are described.

Pre-School offer before and after school care for children from Nursery to Year 2. This is called REACH (Really Exciting And Creative Hangout). We run extended hours childcare provision offering childcare before and after school for children from Year 2 upwards and also in the holidays for all school aged children.
#Lepton site full
In addition to this we have a large grassed area that is available when the weather is good, and two full sized football fields a short distance from the main playground.

Children in full time school have access to a large play area which includes, a marked playground, a 'Quiet Zone' play area with seating, staging and built in play equipment We are fortunate enough to have a bouldering wall and a full sized floodlit Multi-Purpose All Weather Court. We have a separate purpose built play area for Nursery. More information is available about these in the Parents section. School Meals are available onsite from our 'state of the art' refurbished kitchen. As well as the open classrooms and lovely wide corridor spaces inside, we also have: a Computer Suite a Library, a Large Hall a Modular Hall a Performing Arts Room 2 Small Group Teaching Rooms Garden Room (for Meetings) and a Nurture Room. The school building has undergone a refurbishment in recent years so is in top condition. You can find more information about Pre-School in the Community section on the top bar. There is also a Pre-School onsite who can provide wrap around care for our Nursery children. Where the chosen sessions go slightly above the funded hours, a top up payment is required each half term. For universal 15 hours, we offer 5 morning, 5 afternoon sessions or 2.5 days. We have a 30 place Nursery that offers full or half day sessions for all families eligible for 30 hours funding. You can find out more about our staff in the Key Information Section. As well as a teacher in each class, each year group also has Educational Teaching Assistants to support learning. From Reception to Year Six, there are two classes per year group with up to 33 children in each class (In Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 class sizes are limited to 30). We have just around 460 children on roll at school from Nursery up to Year 6. To care, work hard, work together, stay safe and have fun. Our school values are: To be respectful, responsible, honest and fair. We treat each other as we wish to be treated ourselves and always wear a 'Rowley Lane Smile'. Great value is placed on a positive ethos in and around school, respecting each other and our environment. Staff and children have high expectations of achievement in all subject areas.

We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum with fun, varied and exciting learning experiences. We aim to provide an environment where all children can achieve this through enjoyable, high quality teaching and learning. This will give you an opportunity to meet and talk with the Headteacher, Miss Jenny Shore or another Senior Leader, and see the staff and children at work.Īt Rowley Lane, our school aim is for every child to achieve their full potential - to be the best they can be. If you are considering sending your child to Rowley Lane, we encourage you to visit our school and see us at work.