In particular, inertia relief calculation and analyses of cable pretension effect are discussed in details and some numerical results are provided. The critical issues in finite element analysis of the aerostructure have been addressed, including load determination, calculation of virtual inertia, and special element consideration. This paper describes the procedure of the construction of finite element models for a novel aerostructure. Design and analysis cycle of buoyant air vehicles are presented. Diverse concepts are revisited and the link between the airship geometry, and flight mechanics, is made for diverse propulsion system mechanisms. These include a detailed overview of past, present, and future enabling technologies for airship propulsion. Herein we have concentrated on a critical overview of propulsion mechanisms for airships. Their ability to remain aloft for long time periods have also expanded the range of mission profiles for which they are suited.

Airships are also presenting themselves as green friendly air vehicles, in particular if solar powered airships are considered. The main reasons for this are related to the recent progress in technology of materials, aerodynamics, energy and propulsion. |❡❝❡✐✈❡❞ ✶✼ ❉❡❝❡♠❜❡r ✷✵✶✶❀ ❛❝❝❡♣t❡❞ ✶✽ ❋❡❜r✉❛r② ✷✵✶✷ ❆❜str❛❝t✿ After a few decades in which airships have been depromoted to the level of being only considered as a mere curiosity they seem now to reappear.